The IRIS Conference

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The IRIS (Information systems research seminar in Scandinavia) began in 1978 and is the oldest consecutive IS conference in the world. The conference is organized as an annual working seminar for Scandinavian researchers and PhD students. Over the years we have been happy to see an increasing number of participants from outside Scandinavia. After its first few meetings in Finland, the seminar now alternates between the Scandinavian countries.
2019 IRIS42, Tampere, Finland
Previous IRIS Conferences
2018: IRIS41 (Aarhus, Denmark) - Digital adaption, disruption and survival
2017: IRIS40 (Halden, Norway) - Challenging smart
2016: IRIS39 (Ljungskile, Sweden) - Living in the cloud
2015: IRIS38 (Oulu, Finland) - System Design for, with and by users
2014: IRIS37 (Ringsted, Denmark) - Designing Human Technologies
2013: IRIS36 (Gran, Norway) - Digital Living
2012: IRIS35 (Sigtuna, Sweden) - Designing the Interactive Society
2011: IRIS34 (Turku, Finland) - ICT of Culture - Culture of ICT (download papers)
2010: IRIS33 (Comwell Rebild Bakker, Denmark) - Engaged Scandinavian IS research
2009: IRIS32 (Molde, Norway) - Inclusive Design
2008: IRIS31 (Åre, Sweeden) - Public systems in the future – possibilities, challenges and pitfalls
2007: IRIS30 (Tampere, Finland) - Models, Methods, and New Messages
2006: IRIS29 (Helsingør, Denmark) - Paradigms Politics Paradoxes
2005: IRIS28 (Kristiansand, Norway) - Reaching out
2004: IRIS27 (Falkenberg, Sweden)
2003: IRIS26 (Porvoo, Finland)
2002: IRIS25 (Bautahöj, Denmark)
2001: IRIS24 (Bergen, Norway)
2000: IRIS23 (Uddevalla, Sweden)
1999: IRIS22 (Keuruu, Finland)
1998: IRIS21 (Sæby, Denmark)
1997: IRIS20 (Hankø, Norway)
1996: IRIS19 (Lökeberg, Sweden)
1995: IRIS18 (Gjern, Denmark)
1994: IRIS17 (Syöte, Finland)
1993: IRIS16 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
1992: IRIS15 (Larkollen, Norway)
1991: IRIS14 (Umeå-Lövånger, Sweden)
1990: IRIS13 (Turku, Finland)
1989: IRIS12 (Skagen, Denmark)
1988: IRIS11 (Røros, Norway)
1987: IRIS10 (Tampere, Finland)
1986: IRIS9 (Lund, Sweden)
1985: IRIS8 (Århus, Denmark)
1984: IRIS7 (Helsinki, Finland)
1983: IRIS6 (Øystese, Norway)
1982: IRIS5 (Stockholm, Sweden)
1981: IRIS4 (Oulu, Finland)
1980: IRIS3 (Saarijärvi, Finland)
1979: IRIS2 (Dragsfjärd, Finland)
1978: IRIS1 (Tampere, Finland)